Pham Thien Phuc

  • Civil Engineer
  • Position: Manager of Research – Development and Testing Department; Leader of Research & Development Department.
  •  Tel : (+84) 912. 929 . 023 – Email:

Graduation, major in bridge and road at Hanoi University of Transport and Communication .

I have more than 14 years of experience working in the field of Bridge & Road construction and Oil & Gas construction. Having worked at the Sub-Institute of Transport Science and Tecnology in the Southern (ITSTS), : Transportation Infrastructure Development and Investment Consultancy Center (TID&ICC), : Road Laboratory  3 (RL3), Petrovietnam Energy Technological Group Corporation (PVEIC). Currently Eng. Pham Thien Phuc is working at BMT Group with manager of the Research & Development and Testing Department of the company.

The position has involved: Site Engineer, Consulting Engineer, Chief of Lab Expressway Saigon-Trung Luong Project, Chief of Lab in the Road Laboratory 3, Loss adjuster, Chief of Lab in Petrovietnam Energy Technological Group Corporation

Research topic: Participate in applied research projects at several ministries such topics reinforced soil in the Mekong Delta used as the foundation, reinforced with cement, lime, SA44/LS40 additive, additive DZ33.

Foreign languages: English.