Rutting problem on the asphalt surface

Post by: vanphuongdl, Date: 03-09-2013

In recent years, rutting has appeared on the asphalt surface in many project when opened for traffic, thus affecting traffic safety and the quality of operation, as well as the cost of repair and maintenance of the project, such as East West highway project, Province road No 25B, Thang Long Bridge,…

The unidentified causes extrusion asphalt surfacing layer (BTN) in the wheel tracks location makes this issue became the focus of discussion and debating of the functional agencies and the public companies in the transport sector. The strict quality control of  production, supply and pavement of asphalt layers is given as the solution needed to minimize this problem in the transport projects. Primary source materials such as bitumen is managed and controlled in order to prevent the import of low-quality products from abroad, while the country can not produce this kind of petrol products

According to the report and observation of some construction companies, base layer of the road was constructed with confortable quality, capable of exploiting load, so perhaps the problem was in the pavement layers: asphalt concrete layer.

In fact, problems of surface rutting at the wheel tracks comes from asphalt concrete layer is not difficult to identify the cause and the basic problem solutions.