The Works: Bitument
Rutting problem on the asphalt surface
In recent years, rutting has appeared on the asphalt surface in many project when opened for traffic, thus affecting traffic safety and the quality of operation, as well as the cost of repair and maintenance of the project, such as East West highway project, Province road No 25B, Thang Long Bridge,…
The unidentified causes extrusion asphalt surfacing layer (BTN) in the wheel tracks location makes this issue became the focus of discussion and debating of the functional agencies and the public companies in the transport sector.…
Modified bitumen BMT-ATR – Effective antirutting agent
Among causes of rutting on the asphalt pavements, bitumen is the first factor needed to be improved, especially in the tropical climate condition and heavy traffic in our country.…
Solutions of BMT to increase rutting resistance of asphalt
Along with the development of economy, the demand for road transport is constantly increasing. So that the large number of trucks and trailers is sharply increasing at the moment.…
SARA fraction and Colloidal structure
Since manufactured via a crude oil distillation, bitumen is well-known as a complicated composition. Mainly based on different ranges of molecular weight and physo-chemical properties, its components are classified into four groups.…